The Humpybong Yacht Club will conduct its Handicap Points Score over 9 days across the 2022-23 season. On each of those days a maximum of four races will be sailed . The Championships will be open to all off-the-beach dinghies and catamarans and any other craft admitted by the HYC Sailing Committee.
1 Rules:
1.1 All races be governed by the rules as defined in The Racing Rules of Sailing.
1.2 The Organising Authority is the Humpybong Yacht Club Incorporated.
1.3 The Prescriptions and Safety Regulations of Australian Sailing will apply.
1.4 Racing rule 44.1 will be changed as per NOR 10.1. The changes will appear in full in the sailing instructions. The sailing instructions may also change other racing rules.
1.5 The rules of the respective class associations will apply.
1.6 All officials, coaches, parents and sailors are to abide by Australian Sailings’, Yachting Queensland’s and Humpybong Yacht Club’s Codes of Conduct, Member Protection Policies, Child Protection Policies and other applicable Government Acts and Regulations. These are available on each organisation’s website.
2 Eligibility and Entry:
2.1 The regatta is open to boats that meet the definition of “Off-the-Beach” Catamarans or Dinghies.
2.2 The HYC sailing Committee may accept entries from other classes of sailing craft
2.3 All Club members and bona fides visitors may enter the races by completing the sign on and paying the racing fee on the morning of competition.
2.4 All members of the crew must be a financial member of a yacht club affiliated with Australian Sailing and hold a current Australia Sailing registration. New Humpybong Yacht Club membership is available on the day.
2.5 Only financial members of HYC shall be eligible to receive series or Championship scores. Members who are not financial at time of the race shall not be awarded a place for any races sailed except that for the period from the first race until 1 October 2020, members who are financial as at 1 October will have scores count.
3 Classification:
3.1 Racing shall be conducted in three divisions. Multihull Division for any boat with more than one hull, Junior Division for Optimists, Sabots and Open Skiffs, and Dinghy Division for all other boats.
3.2 The races will use a starting handicap system which will be determined by the club handicap person. The handicaps are displayed on the noticeboard in the club.
4 Fees:
4.1 Required fees are as follows:
- Adults: $10 per day
- Adult non-members $20 per day
- Students $10 per day
- Juniors: $5 per day
5 Schedule:
5.1 Registration
Each Racing Day between 9.00 – 11:00am.
5.2 Briefing
Each Racing day at 11.30am.
5.3 Start
First signal not before 12:00 on the water
5.4 Dates of racing
The racing dates are listed on the Calendar page of the Humpybong Yacht Club website.
5.5 If for any reason racing is cancelled or not completed on any day, the Sailing Committee may at its discretion, hold any or all races on another date set designated for Club sailing. Any change of date shall not be grounds for redress.
6 Registration
6.1 All competitors shall register for each day’s racing by completing the required sign on form on either the computer based registration for members or by completing the sign on sheet in the case of visitors
6.2 The registration shall be completed so that all details are legible
6.3 Competitors are responsible for ensuring that the registration is completed correctly and that the details of their yacht including the correct description and yardstick, are correct
6.4 If the details are not legible or correct The Sailing Committee may refuse to score the boat
6.5 If the boats’ class description is not correct or unclear at the time of scoring, the boat will be scored using the lowest yardstick for that class and shall not be grounds for redress.
7 Measurement:
7.1 All boats shall comply with class requirements where applicable.
7.2 No measurement beyond spot checking performed by the race committee will take place during the event.
8 Sailing Instructions:
8.1 The sailing instructions will be available on the HYC web page before the first race.
9 Venue:
9.1 The Regatta site will be the Humpybong Yacht Club, situated at the Cnr Hornibrook Esp. & Oxley Ave, Woody Point, Qld 4019, and conducted on the waters of Bramble Bay.
10 Courses:
10.1 Race Courses will be shown in the Sailing Instructions.
11 Penalty System
11.1 For the all classes rule 44.1 is changed so that the Two-Turns Penalty is replaced by the One-Turn Penalty.
12 Scoring:
12.1 Series
- The low point scoring system of RRS Appendix A including rule A5.3 shall apply. Scoring shall be based on Australian Sailing Yardstick rating.
- A minimum of 6 races are required to be completed to constitute a series.
- When fewer than six (6) races have been completed, a boat’s series score will be the total of her race scores
- When six (6) or more and less than nine (9) races have been completed, a boat’s series score will be the total of her race scores excluding her worst score.
- When nine (9) or more races have been have been completed, a boat’s series score will be the total of her race scores excluding her two (2) worst scores.
12.2 Volunteer Rostering
Sailors who are rostered onto the startboat or rescue boat for a day of the series will recieve points equal to first for each race they volunteer for.
13 Support Boats and Personnel
13.1 All support boats shall be registered with the Organising Authority and will be required to comply with local legislation and event support boat regulations. The Organising Authority may refuse registrations and accept later registrations at their sole discretion
13.2 Only coaches, who hold, as a minimum, current Australian Sailing recognised Coach / Instructor Accreditation, or an equivalent international qualification, are authorised to go afloat in a coach boat within the course area.
13.3 Authorised coach boats within the course area shall keep to leeward of the start line between the preparatory and start signals and more that 50 meters clear of any competitor or mark of the course between the start signal and the finish of the last boat, except when asked to assist by the Race Committee.
13.4 Non-registered coaches, parents, private and spectator craft must remain more than 100 meters outside the entire course area and not receive the above benefits.
14 Radio Communications:
14.1 Except in an emergency, a boat shall neither make radio transmissions while racing nor receive radio communications not available to all boats. This restriction also applies to mobile telephones.
14.2 The restriction on communications does not apply to GPS tracking devices provided the devices are stowed in a location and orientation such that the display cannot be viewed whilst racing. Smart phones may be used as tracking devices. All competitors may be directed by the Organising Authority to carry GPS tracking devices as provided by the Organising Authority.
15 Prizes:
15.1 Prizes will be given at the discretion of the Organising Committee based on divisions.
16 Disclaimer of Liability:
16.1 Competitors participate in the regatta entirely at their own risk. See Rule 4, Decision to Race. The organizing authority will not accept any liability for material damage or personal injury or death sustained in conjunction with or prior to, during, or after the regatta.
17 Insurance
17.1 Each participating boat shall be insured with valid third-party liability insurance with a minimum cover of $5 million per event or the equivalent.
18 Additional Information
18.1 Additional information can be obtained by contacting Humpybong Yacht Club by calling (07) 3883 2170 or on email at