Deaf Sailing Open Day


Sat 22 Jun 2019 10:00 — 15:00
Australian Sailing - Discover Sailing Day

Course information

Registrations for this course are closed.


Remember the last time you walked down the foreshore and saw the sails on the water. It was a beautiful day and you could imagine yourself on the water at the tiller, free before the wind, having fun with family and friends.

Then you thought; "I don't know how to sail" ... "it is too difficult to learn; worse because I am deaf" ...... "deaf people can't sail" ........ "its too expensive" .........

Come on down and have some time on the water with one of Humpybong's experienced sailors or instructors at NO COST. Spend some time with us and find out that those fears are groundless

Spend 20 minutes on the water with us and we can answer all your other questions about sailing ..... learning to sail is fun  ..... sailing once you have learned is fun ......... deaf people sail on the same terms and under the same rules, in the same boats as hearing people and there are some great success stories of deaf sailors. 

Sailing can be no more expensive than Tiddlywinks (almost) . Talk to Ronald and the team about how we aim to help with the costs associated with sailing through DSQ.

In the registration process:

  • To help us schedule the day, please indicate which time period you intend to try sailings
  • We ask about any physical disabilities; unfortunately at Woody Point we are not able to cater for people with a physical disability that precludes them from walking to the boat and climbing in with a minimum of assistance. 
  • Under 18's require the written consent of their guardians to allow them to participate. (Copy attached for pre-registration or forms will be available on the day)

A Discover Sailing Day will give you the opportunity to go for a sail and have a look around your local Sailing Club.


  • Water confident

Who should discover sailing?

A Discover Sailing Day is for anyone wanting to visit a sailing club and discover sailing for the first time.


You will have experienced sailing and have been introduced to your local Sailing Club, who will have provided you with information on what other opportunities, courses and activities are on offer that will enable you to continue your participation in sailing.


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