Humpybong Women & Girls' Sailing Regatta '25


Sat 24 May 2025 09:00 — Sun 25 May 2025 19:00
See all dates

Event information

Registration for this event closes at Thu 22 May 2025 23:59.

Join us on May 24th and 25th 2025, for the fourth Women and Girls' Sailing Regatta!

This is the only Women and Girls' regatta for off-the-beach classes in South-East QLD. 

Entry is restricted to female skippers only. Male crews are permitted, however the skipper must be female.

The regatta is a 2-day event, but participation is up to you. You can register for 1 or 2 days of sailing.

The event is an opportunity for serious competitors to first-time regatta participants and offers junior coaching and social networking.

The Regatta continues to grow each year with 40 boats participating in last year's event.

The Queensland Government provided
$7500 to Humpybong Yacht Club for
the Women and Girls Regatta under
the Active Women and Girls Program
to enable Queenslanders to participate
in sport and recreation activities.


Notice Board

Notice of Race and Sailing Instructions will be available closer to the event.

The Regatta will likely consist of up to three races per day.

Notice Of Race

Sailing Instructions

Site Map


Date Time Event
Saturday 0900 to 1100 hrs Registration
1030 hrs All fleets briefing in the clubhouse
1100 hrs Junior Coaches Corner
1100 hrs Coaches Corner
First Warning 1200 hrs Up to three (3) races
After racing Debrief with the coaches
1600 hrs BBQ
Sunday 0900 hrs Briefing
0930 hrs Junior Coaches Corner
0930 hrs Coaches Corner
First Warning 1100 hrs Up to three (3) races
After racing Debrief with the coaches
1530 hrs Prize Presentations at Humpybong Yacht Club


17.1 The Protest Time Limit shall be sixty (60) minutes after the last boat has finished the last race of the day, or the Race Committee signals no more racing today, whichever is later, for each division.

  Finish time of Racing End of Protest Time

Protest Schedule

# Race Protestor Protestee Substance Hearing Outcome


Registration and payment is per boat (not per person). If you are sailing a boat that's more than one-up, provide the details of your crew in the registration. 


Free Coaching 

We are pleased to announce that thanks to a State Government Grant under the ‘Active Women and Girls Program’, we can now offer coaching to all Regatta participants that want to be involved. This is a great opportunity especially to those new to Regatta competitions and those just wanting to improve their competitive or general sailing skills.

We will be offering pre-racing briefs and post-racing debriefings each day, and on-the-water coaching for those that want to be involved. Just let us know when you register on the day. This opportunity is available to all divisions.


Classes and Divisions:

These will be determined by entries received but are likely to be:

Division 1 – Off the beach performance catamarans

Division 2 – Off the beach standard catamarans

Division 3 – Performance Dinghies

Division 4 – Dinghies

Division 5 – Junior fleet to be made up of Opti, Sabot, and Bic entries

Further detail to be provided closer to the event as registrations are confirmed.


Junior Division (5) coaching

A separate Junior Division will be included with its own support boat.

A mini coaching session for the Junior Division will be run each day before racing. This will be run by experienced coaches. 


Regatta T-Shirts ($28)

If you'd like to puchase one of our highly coveted regatta T-Shirts ($28 ea), select your t-shirt size at the link below and email Kate to confirm ( 

Payment will be collected at the regatta when you register.  T-shirt orders will close on Wednesday May 14th (11pm) to allow time for printing (we can only do one run and we need a min. of 16 orders each run). These tend to be a smallish fit (it's suggested going up a size or two for a comfortable fit), so please check your sizing before placing an order with Kate.

Link to t-shirt sizes: 


Opti boat hire is available from HYC:

The club has 10 Optis for hire at $55.00 (ea.) for the full 2 days of the regatta. Boat hire is available through the registration process, so register quickly to confirm your boat hire as well. 


On-site camping

The club will make facilities (toilets and showers) available for campers over the weekend. When you register, let us know if you are camping so we can get in touch to confirm when you are arriving and we can keep you informed about camping at HYC. Refer to the site map to locate where to pitch your tent (indicated by the tent symbols on the map).

Site Map



Select here for last year's results

Follow us on Facebook:

To be kept up to date with news on the event: 

Join the 'HYC Women and Girls' Regatta' Facebook Group



For further information on this event, please contact Kate Slade at:

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