Boat Hire

The Club has a number of boats that are available to Club members for use at $50 per day. This fee includes the applicable race fee for participation in normal Sunday Club events. It does not include regatta fees. 

The boats are also available for hire to visiting sailors with validated Australian Sailing registration for the cost of visitors' racing fees for the races being sailed. Sailors not able to produce proof of their Australian Sailing registration will be required to purchase a Sail Pass for $30 which will cover three consecutive days' temporary membership of HYC

Boats are available on the basis of first in first served. If the hirer fails to claim the boat within 30 minutes of the start of the booking the boat may be taken by another hirer with no recourse to the Club

Use of the boats is at the hirer's risk and any damage to equipment caused through the negligence or actions of the sailor will be recovered from the sailor. The terms and conditions of use are detailed in the document attached below. Hire of the boat indicates the hirer's acceptance of those terms.

At the end of use, all boats are to be:

  • de-rigged
  • sails dried, rolled and put away
  • hulls washed and bungs removed
  • hulls and tanks drained where applicable
  • returned to the allocated space in the yard (on racks where applicable)
  • any damage reported by mail to:

Failure to comply with the above requirements will result in a $50 charge and potential loss of future availability.


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